Thursday, October 22, 2009

A Few Words on Technology and Miley Cyrus

Something I have been thinking a lot about lately is how much I miss Tennessee. So much so that I watch "The Hannah Montana Movie." Now, let's get one thing straight. Before you hate on Miley Cyrus or judge me, she is a fact of culture. She may be another Disney Channel cookie cut out, but she's doing something. Miley Cyrus is just another cheesy as hell pop star, but she is an idol to little teenie-boppers everywhere.
What have you done?

The movie is set in a small town in Tennessee. This is the epitome of Small Town U.S.A. There's only a feww scenes with cell phones and that is the extent of technology. They spent their time with their family or actually doing things.

It seems that we have all these distractions and we're still never satisfied. There was a time before video games, internet, etc. and I wonder how often people complained of boredom. As I am constantly reminded at work, "there is always something to do." Isn't that true in every aspect of life? When I was younger, my father made me study in the bathroom. He thought nothing in there could possibly distract me. I still found the doorknob more entertaining than my notes. There was always something else to do. Are we spoiled by technology? Or are we ruined by it?

Basically, I jsut want away from technology. I want to live in a place where you don't have to constantly check Facebook or tweet about eating a sandwich. Or, if this place doesn't exist I would like to spend a few months in a cabin on a mountain. Electricity isn't even required. I'd like to grow my own food and spend my time reading, writing, drawing, exploring, learning, building, or whatever strikes my fancy at the time.

To not have to worry about watching the Hills every week, constantly checking Facebook for status comments, or Tweeting about that damn sandwich would be so nice. Then again, I would be so lost whenever I did rejoin the world. For now it's just a nice day dream.

Time to go tweet about posting this blog now!

((P.S. I do not, in fact, watch The Hills or any other MTV programming.))

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Where the Wild Things Aren't

While watching the new movie "Where the Wild Things Are" i kept wishing over and over again that i was a little boy again. True, i was never a little boy, but i was once wild and free. My imagination roamed free and everyone else was merely a character in my own reality. I don't want to write a movie review or say how it changed my life. In all honesty, it didn't. It was a nice movie with characters i could relate to. And it also made me want to go to the park with my friends and run chase each other around screaming and hollering. Ending the "wild rumpus" with a group nap.
Believe it or not i have had those days before. And those were very good days.

Friday, October 16, 2009


Do you believe in signs? Does the universe try to send you messages to guide you in the right direction? Or is it all merely coincidences that we notice simply because we want to notice them? I ask this because lately I have been seeing all sorts of things that could be interpreted as signs, or just me looking harder for them. As every day goes by i just get more and more homesick. I don't know if i'm missing my home, or literally sick of being home. I guess knowing the answer to that would require knowing where "home" really is.
For years, even before my mom died, i would cry myself to sleep at night saying over and over again, "I want to go home." This always confused my parents because, to them, I was home. For the most part I would consider myself a happy child, but I had my dark times too. I always defined home as wherever you were happiest and surrounded by people who love you. That explanation worked for a while, but now it's causing more problems and a little bit of stress. I can be truly happy and completely at peace in both Tennessee and New Orleans. And in both places I have great friends and family, who i know love me. Now the problem is, do I have two homes?
I always want to bring my New Orleans friends to Tennessee with me, and the same with Tennessee friends. I feel like there's always a big part of me that you don't get to see because it's still living in the other place.

On a daily basis now I see at least 2 cars from Tennessee. Or i'll see something that will bring me back to some place in my mind in Tennessee. This morning I woke up from a dream and had the worst feeling of disappointment when I realized I wasn't flying to Tennessee in a few hours. Is this the universe telling me to go back? Or is my brain just creating all these things to make me miss it even more? If I left tomorrow and moved to Tennessee, it would only be another six months till I was wishing I was here again.

If I went be my life would be a series of U turns. I think I'll turn right next. See where that road leads me.